March 5, 2025 (Part 2 in progress):
March 4-5, 2025:
Other miscellaneous, random sites on various servers:
Banzai InstituteThis is all beginning to approach a too-confused-to-keep-organized state...
August 23, 2024:
Added a second web server, with the following sites:
All for Love, Beatles' 1995 reunion site;
More Flower, More Power, 1998 website about the New VW Beetle;
Bibliotheca: The Journey, a chronological arrangement of extremely beautiful and powerful videos documenting the creation of this labor of love;
emacs fan site;
The Wisdom of Star Trek;
the Vulcan Language;
Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations;
and a personal home page (of sorts).August 22, 2024:
Moved my Microton robot website to and created a new page listing all the sites hosted here. I'll be updating the page as more sites are migrated.
August 12, 2024:
Today, I created a page showing Supergirl's two "Hope" tattoos — the first from the Greg Rucka/Ed Benes run, the second from a more recent story by Tom Taylor and Yasmine Putri. The second also shows Kara having a bunch of arm-band tattoos, but those seem to be gibberish, not real Kryptonian or real Kryptonian transliterations.
I forgot to post about this earlier: last week, I put up a page about Rao, the Kryptonian God. Not much there, except it has a screenshot and the text of a prayer, both from the Supergirl television show.
August 11, 2024:
I've been working on this for a while — I have scanned my copy of the origin of Comet and added it to the site.
It's not quite right to just refer to Comet as "Kara's horse", he is really something much more than that.
My original plan was to try to avoid having too many online comics here, but I feel this story is very important to Kara. I consider it an exception and so I added it.
August 3, 2024:
Moved my original Dune novels fan site to - right here, under the "Daughter of... Dune" dropdown.
The site used to be under and later a few other domains, but my plan is to move everything under the umbrella.
August 2, 2024:
Started a page on Yuda, Kryptonian Goddess of Love, Star Goddess, and Mistress of the Moons; because there is way too much focus on Rao!
The picture of Kara saying "Sweet mother of Rao!" is from one of the New 52 issues of Supergirl. At first I figured this oath on her part was an error on the writer's part — after all, Rao isn't Jesus and we have never known of him having a venerated mother the way Jesus does here on Earth. But then I realized that Kara must be referring to Yuda! Just as in many ancient Earth mythologies, perhaps the Goddess (Yuda) is both partner and mother to the God (Rao).
Maybe it was the same on ancient Krypton?
July 31, 2024:
Started a Krypton Timeline page. This is just a bare-bones outline, there's really nothing there yet except one picture and a link to one story.
What I hope to do is arrange links to all the Krypton stories that I can find but in some sort of chronological order, resulting in a full history of the planet.
The picture is from a mega-crossover event that involved the New 52 Supergirl time travelling to Krypton's past and behaving very similarly as Joan-of-Arc once did in France here on Earth. I loved it!
July 30, 2024:
Moved Supermanica to, accessible under the "Daughter of... Knowledge" menu.
July 26, 2024:
Superman Through the Ages! has a new page on Rao, which I have also linked to here at from the "Krypton ... Rao" menu.
I had originally thought I was going to create an entire section on the full pantheon of ancient Kryptonian gods and goddesses, but then realized that Rao and Yuda would be the only two deities I would focus on here at this site; and that I would consider them the only two major deities of Krypton.
July 25, 2024:
Moved my Oz book, The Lost Key of Oz, to under the "Daughter of... Ozma" menu.
I started writing this book in 1999 (I had a brainstorm for the upcoming Oz centennial) but never quite finished it. Maybe one of these days!
July 21, 2024:
I'm mulling over whether or not I'll migrate my "Lodestone Press" website here. I don't know if I will ever get around to that because Lodestone Press hasn't been active for a very long time and I'm not completely sure I'm going to keep the site or the imprint. But I now at least have an introduction page, giving some backstory where the name came from:
This is under the "Daughter of... The Lodestone" menu.
July 2, 2024:
Moved my Tintin fan site to under the "Daughter of... Marlinspike" menu.
It's on my to-do list to migrate all my fan sites here, under one umbrella.
Launched — a fan-page for Kara Zor-El (popularly known as Supergirl and also sometimes as Superwoman), but also a personal homepage for me, Daughter of Krypton! This whole thing came together for me after reading "Supergirl Woman of Tomorrow" and "Kara Zor-El, Superwoman". The combination of these two stories really increased my appreciation of the character, whom I realized I had deeply missed since last reading about her in 1985.
I have a lot of catching up to do, and I am looking forward to it!