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Titano was a normal size chimp who was launched into space as a test animal by scientists on Earth. Unfortunately, his capsule collided with a strange meteor and upon reentry, Titano expanded to Brobidangian proportions and endowed with 0Green Krytonite vision.

Luckily, as King Kong was fond of Fay Wray, so likewise was Titano of Lois Lane, when she treated him kindly before his abrupt enlargement. In a case of "giant monkey see, giant monkey do", Titano copied Lois putting on sunglasses. But the great apes were prepared by Superman and coated with lead, the one substance Kryptonite can not penetrate.

Superman then propelled Titano through the time barrier at super speed to the age of giant mammals and dinosaurs where Titano would be happy among his own kind.

Later Jimmy Olsen used Professor Potter's time-space-transporter to return Titano to present day so that the great ape could battle the legenday Flame Dragon of Krypton for the cameras in "Jimmy Olsen's Monster Movie". Jo #_1962.

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