Swamp Thing

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DCCP No. 85 artwork by Rick Veitch

He was originally Alec Holland, a man who was transformed into a "muck encrusted mockery of a man" after an explosion in his laboratory doused him with chemicals.

In April 1979, Swamp Thing goes on a quest to change back from his swamp monster form to his old human form. This mission brings him to the sewers of Metropolis to seek out Solomon Grundy in the hopes of experimenting on him and unlocking the secret of his horrid mutation.

Swamp Thing finds Solomon Grundy battling Superman, so Swamp Thing teams up with Solomon Grundy to help him escape Superman steel grip. Swamp Thing's experimentation on Solomon Grundy go awry as Solomon Grundy begins to multiply leading to sixty Solomon Grundys running around rampaging through Metropolis. Superman decides to go to STAR Labs to find a cure to Solomon Grundy's spawning problem. STAR Labs gives Superman a special poison to eliminate the Solomon Grundy clones, which he uses on them destroying them and saving the day, sadly Swamp Thing couldn't save himself and must find a cure another day.

Swamp Thing has appeared in the following Superman Stories

  • DCCP No. 8, Apr 1979: "The Sixty Deaths of Solomon Grundy!"
  • DCCP No. 85, Sep 1985: "The Jungle Line!"


Swamp Thing entry at the Wikipedia

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