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A superhero on the far-distant planet Oceania—clad in a purple costume with green trunks, orange boots and cape, a yellow belt, and a stylized yellow "H" emblazoned on his chest—who bears a close physical resemblance to Superman and whose origin, career, and secret civilian life closely parallel the Man of Steel's.

Born on the far-distant planet Zoron, "a world of heavy gravity" faced with impending extinction, the infant Hyper-Man was placed inside a rocket by his father and launched into outer space, the sole survivor of his planet, as behind him the entire planet Zoron exploded into stardust. Arriving on the planet Oceania, "a smaller planet" of "light gravity" described as "almost a twin of Earth," Hyper-Man instantly acquired super-powers identical to Superman's, grew to manhood in the home of loving foster parents, the King family, and protected by his secret identity, that of mild mannered Chester King, began a colorful career in crime-fighting under the name Hyper-Boy while still in his teens.

Upon the death of his foster parents, Chester King moved to the large city of Macropolis, a close counterpart to Earth's Metropolis, obtained employment as a "roving television reporter" for the Oceania Network, where his editor bears a striking resemblance to Earth's Perry White, and where girl reporter Lydia Long plays a role in his life paralleling that played by Lois Lane in the life of Superman, and continued his career in crime-fighting as the dynamic Hyper-Man (Act No. 265, Jun 1960: "The 'Superman' from Outer Space").

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