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A Superman scholar of the far-distant future. He is endowed, apparently through scientific means, with mighty super-powers identical to Superman's, who journeys to the twentieth century via time machine for the purpose of determining whether or not Superman ever married Lois Lane and, if not, of taking some positive action to promote a marriage between them.

After introducing himself as a super-hero from the future named Futureman, XL-49 embarks on a whirlwind “super-courtship” of Lois Lane, apparently in hope that this will provoke Superman into offering to marry her himself. Lois eventually accepts Futureman’s proposal, at first in an attempt to make Superman jealous, then out of a desire to spite the Man of Steel for failing to propose to her. But later changes her mind at the last possible moment after an elaborate ploy engineered by XL-49 has misled her into believing that Superman intervened to express his love to her in such a way as to hold out hope of an eventual proposal.

Back in the distant future, in what may be the thirtieth century A.D., XL-49 informs a colleague that although Superman has not yet married Lois Lane, he believes he has succeeded in putting the Man of Steel “on the…path” toward matrimony. (S No. 121, May 1958 "The Bride of Futureman!") (TGSB)

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