Bizarro-Mr. Kltpzyxm

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An imperfect duplicate of Mr. Mxyzptlk. In July 1961 (Adv No. 286: "Bizarro, Private Detective"), Bizarro Junior was experimenting with a duplicator ray and focused it on Mxyzptlk, who was flying nearby Htrae at the time. Thus, he created an imperfect clone of Mxyzptlk. Like Mxyzptlk, Bizarro-Mxyzptlk is a pest, but it is because he has good intentions. By using his magic to do good deeds and improve the planet, he violated the Bizarro Code and was put in prison. His kindheartedness continued to wreak havoc afterwards, when he granted superpowers to Bizarro-Lois (Adv No. 288, Sep 1961: "Bizarro's Secret Identity"), and tried to arrange a friendly meeting between Krypto and Bizarro-Krypto. (Adv No. 294, Mar 1962: "The Halloween Pranks of the Bizarro Supermen")

Unlike Mxyzptlk, who disappears into the 5th dimension if he says his name backwards, Bizarro-Mxyzptlk must be tricked into saying his name forwards. Being a Bizarro, he is also vulnerable to Blue Kryptonite.

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