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An evil vampire who with his servent, the infamous monster created by Dr. Frankenstein, seeks to kill psychic Cassandra Craft in February 1980. After Superman's intervention thwarts their initial attempt, Dracula sets his sights on Superman, explaining to his mute companion, "Superman is powerful, true--but I think he would die from my bite as surely as any lesser foe!" He then adds, "His blood will give me even greater power! I need fear the stake no more!"

In their final confrontation, Superman stuns Dracula by creating a minature sun by applying super-pressure and heat vision to a hyrdogen filled ballon. Before the battle can resume, the Phantom Stranger appears and causes Dracula and Frankenstein's Monster to disappear- explaining only, "They have been returned to the only world where they truly belong--the world of nightmare!" (S No. 344: "The Monsters Among Us!")

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