
From superman.nu: Supermanica
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A kindly, warm-hearted man from the mid-twenty-fourth century A.D. who journeys to the twentieth century via “time machine” and persuades Lois Lane to marry him, firstly by showing her a future edition of the Daily Planet, an historical document in X-Plam’s own era—in which their marriage is announced, and secondly by suggesting that she might be happier married to him than waiting interminably for Superman. Lois Lane marries X-Plam and flies off into the future with him, out of a desire to spite Superman and to prove to herself that she can be happy without him, but when X-Plam sees how truly wretched she is in a life without Superman, he willingly sacrifices his life to return her to her own era by fatally overexposing himself to the “radioactive fuel that powers [his] time machine” (S No. 136/1, Apr 1960: “The Man Who Married Lois Lane!”). (TGSB)

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