The Hyper-Family

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The Hyper-Family

A family of super-heroic crimefighters from the distant planet Trombus. The family is made up of four members, Hyperman, Hyperwoman, Klypso the Hyperdog, and their leader, the teenaged Hyperboy. The members of the Hyper-Family only possess superhuman powers under a red sun and are powerless under a yellow sun, the exact reverse of Superboy (SB No. 144, Jan 1968: ”Superboy's Lost Identity!”).

Note: The Hyper-Family's Hyperboy and Hyperman should not be confused with the teenaged Hyper-Boy or the adult Hyper-Man, the protector of the distant planet Oceania, who Superman encounters in a 1960 chronicle (Act No. 265/1, Jun 1960: "The 'Superman' from Outer Space").

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