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Cover to Action Comics No.194

An evil survivor of the exploded planet Krypton and an almost perfect look-alike for Superman who, along with his two villainous brothers, Kizo and U-Ban, battles Superman in July-August 1950 (S No.65 "Three Supermen from Krypton!") and again in July 1954 (AC No.194 "The Outlaws from Krypton!"). (TGSB) The three brothers were collectively known as The Evil Three.

Once members, along with Superman’s father Jor-El, of “Krypton’s ruling council,” which, according to Superman No.65, “consisted of the [planet’s] ten leading scientists,” Mala and his brothers were exiled into outer space in a state of suspended animation inside a specially constructed space capsule after Jor-El had courageously thwarted their malevolent scheme to make themselves masters of Krypton by using a diabolical device of their own invention to extract all the moisture from Krypton’s air as a means of blackmailing the Kryptonian population into capitulating to their rule. When Krypton exploded several years later, the three brothers remained alive, but asleep, in their space-capsule prison, until the day a hurtling fragment of their native planet crashed through the capsule’s hull, awakening them from Krypton’s unique environment, with mighty super-powers identical to Superman’s.

In July-August 1950 Mala and his brothers arrive on Earth, where, as part of their treacherous scheme to “rule all earthmen,” they soon succeed in using their extraordinary “scientific genius” to construct a diabolical machine designed to hypnotize Earth’s population into mindless obedience with greatly “intensified light waves.” Superman destroys the machine and battles the villains and although it appears for a time as though the outnumbered Superman may go down in defeat, ultimately he succeeds in duping the villains into battling among themselves, so that, with their awesome super-strength temporarily exhausted, he can shut them inside another space-capsule prison and exile them once again into the farthest reaches of outer space. (S No.65,July-Aug “Three Supermen from Krypton!”)

In July 1954, however, a chance collision with an asteroid frees Mala and his Brothers from their space-capsule prison, and while Kizo and U-Ban immediately head toward Saturn “for a vacation from trouble,” Male decides to return to Earth to wreak vengeance on Superman. Mala’s convoluted scheme of revenge involves luring Superman to a duplicate of the planet Earth, a so-called “counterfeit Earth”, that he himself has constructed in outer space, so that, with Superman thus preoccupied, Male can destroy the real Earth without interference from Superman. The plot becomes even more complex when Mala, who is completely ignorant of the fact that Clark Kent is secretly Superman, attempts to complicate life for the Man of Steel by posing as Clark Kent and then admitting he is Superman, a ploy that, for a time, creates serious difficulties for the Man of Steel by threatening to Betray his dual identity.

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