Nylor Truggs

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Nylor Truggs

A 30th century small-time crook and thief. Truggs, a natural telekinetic, steals the legendary "H-Dial" from the Museum of Heroes and Legends in 30th century Metropolis and uses it to travel back in time to the 20th century, where, in Smallville, he is aided by a teenaged Lex Luthor.

While in possession of the H-Dial, Truggs reconfigures the device to grant the wearer super-villain identities rather than the super-heroic ones it was originally desgined to bestow, and he uses the super-villain identities of the Cyclone, Landslide, Smasher, and High-Roller. He also enables the dial to bestow costumed identities on other people, which he does to Bash Bashford, Lana Lang, Lisa Davis, and Pete Ross. The temporary super-identities that each is transformed into are: Man-Mountain (Bash Basford), Wisp (Lana Lang), Blizzard (Lisa Davis), and Megaton (Pete Ross).

A contingent of Legion of Super-Heroes team members, made up of Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, Element Lad, Star Boy, and Wildfire, chases Truggs back through time, and, along with Superboy and Krypto the Super-Dog, apprehends Truggs after a pitched battle with him and his unwilling associates. The H-Dial, unfortunately is destroyed by Krypto during the conflict (NSB No. 50, Feb 1984: "Dial 'V' for Villain").

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