Pete Ross

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by Curt Swan & Jack Abel
"Superboy's Greatest Hoax!" Art by Swan & Klein

Pete Ross

A wealthy geologist (S No. 270/2, Dec 1973: "I Can't Go Home Again"; and others) who, as a youngster in Smallville, was a close friend of Superboy -- the teenager now known as Superman (SB No. 86/2, Jan 1961: "The Boy Who Betrayed Clark Kent!"; and others).

Late one night, while on an overnight camping trip with Clark Kent and other Smallville youngsters, young Pete Ross—lying awake in his tent long after the other campers had fallen asleep—chances to see his friend Clark Kent changing into Superboy and thus accidentally becomes privy to the secret of Superboy's dual identity. He secretly aides Superboy—unbeknownst to the teen superhero (SB No. 90/3, Jul 1961: "Pete Ross' Super Secret").

Later, Ross is made an honorary member of the 30th Century teen superhero club known as the Legion of Super-Heroes (Adv No. 323, Aug 1964: "The Eight Impossible Missions"; and others).

When Superboy and three of his Legion of Super-Heroes teammates—Mon-El, Shadow Lass and Duo Damsel—are trapped in 20th Century Smallville and made amnesiac by the sorcerer Mordru the Merciless, Pete's knowledge of Superboy's secret identity restores the memory of the Legionnaires. As a reward Mon-El hypnotizes Superboy into forgetting that Pete knows his secret because Mon-El realizes that Pete's knowledge of Clark's identity will save Superman in the future (Adv No. 369, Jun 1968: "Mordru the Merciless!"; Adv No. 370, Jul 1968: "The Devil's Jury!").

Then and there, Ross vows to keep his knowledge secret, even from Superboy, and never reveal it to anyone else. On occasion, without Kent's knowledge, Ross even masquerades as the young Clark Kent to help him preserve his secret identity.

Ross does eventually reveal his knowledge of Kent's secret when both men are adults, in order to recruit Superman to rescue Ross's young son, Jonathan (DCCP No. 13, Sep 1979: "To Live in Peace--Nevermore!"). Jon had been kidnapped by an alien species from the planet Nyrvn in order to be trained to fight in one of their perpetual wars. Superman attempts a rescue but is dissuaded by four members of the Legion of Super-Heroes—Saturn Girl, Lightning Lad, Sun Boy and Dawnstar—who convince him that their historical records show that Jon Ross will eventually play a pivotal role in an interstellar war. Unable to accept the reasons, Pete Ross suffers a psychotic break and uses technology developed by Lex Luthor to reach into the past, kidnap Superboy, bring him to the present and switch minds with him (DCCP No. 14, Oct 1979: "Judge, Jury...and No Justice!"). In Superboy's body, Ross kidnaps Clark Kent's friends Jimmy Olsen, Lois Lane, Perry White, Lana Lang and Steve Lombard and tries to compel them to act as "jury", passing a death sentence on Superman, who has been restrained in Kryptonite shackles. The intervention of Krypto the Superdog unravels the plan and Superman and Superboy (his mind in the body of the adult Pete Ross) cooperate to reverse the effects of Luthor's machines. Pete Ross is committed to a mental institution where he passes his time tearing up Superman posters.

Emotionally tormented by this result, Superman eventually decides to ignore the request of the Legion and retrieve Jon Ross, reuniting him with his father. This put Pete Ross on the road to recovery (DCCP No. 25, Sep 1980: "Judgment Night").

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