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U-Ban is a Kryptonian and has two brothers Kizo and Mala. U-Ban has blonde hair, wears a white bandana, and wears a green, yellow, and purple costume and a yellow cape in the same Kryptonian style that Jor-El and other Kryptonians wear.

The three brothers were collectively known as The Evil Three. Originally, U-Ban was a scientist on the Planet Krypton and was a member of Krypton’s ruling council, "which consisted of the ten leading scientists!". (S No.65, July/Aug 1950)

However, unlike the other seven scientists they were evil and broke the Krypton Code of Honor. U-Ban and his evil brothers planned to conquer Krypton by building a horrifying machine that could “Extract all the moisture from the air making it unfit to breathe!” (S No.65, July/Aug 1950)

Thankfully, the brilliant scientist and father of Superman, Jor-El found out of their evil plan and tried to stop them. Only to be captured by U-Ban and his brothers and tied up and The Evil Three used their machine on the people of Krypton and U-Ban demanded that they “Agree to overthrow the Krypton Council and declare and my brothers your rulers! Agree or die!” (S No.65, July/Aug 1950)

The quick thinking Jor-El manage to free himself and using his scientific genius converted the machine to release life-giving water into the air.

Jor-El got on the microphone and asked the people to hurry to the laboratory to get The Evil Three. Once there the Kryptonians [In this tale he refered to them as Kryptonites] wanted to kill U-Ban and his brothers, but the compassionate and noble Jor-El stopped them. Jor-El instead constructed a special transparent tube (a spaceship of sorts), placed U-Ban, and his brothers in it in a state of suspended animation and shot them into orbit in space around Krypton.

So when Krypton exploded, their tube-ship was unwitting sent off into interstellar space. There a meteorite crash into the tube-ship and awoke them from their trance.

Their tube-ship then crashed landed on Earth. There Superman met them for the first time and was astonished to find out they they had the same powers as he! So when Superman ask them how they have the same powers as himself, U-Ban replies:

"Super-powers? How amusing! Where I come from, everyone has see-through vision, extra-strength, and extra-speed!"

[Later in the Superman chronicles it was suggested that Kryptonians did not have any powers on Krypton and only gained super-powers identical to Superman under a yellow sun]

They met Superman and retold their story to him. They also told him of their plan to conquer the Earth.

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