
From Supermanica
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A far-distant planet, destroyed by a cataclysmic explosion sometime in the recent past, whose sole survivors—members of a "highly developed, friendly race" endowed with superhuman powers similar but not identical to Superman's—arrive on the planet Earth in January 1955, hoping to build homes for themselves in the vicinity of Metropolis and to be allowed to become contributing citizens of their adopted planet. Unbeknownst to the peace-loving space travelers, however, their presence constitutes a potential hazard of terrifying proportions—for the Blanthians exhale methane gas, which is deadly to all Earth life—and Superman is ultimately compelled to resolve the dilemma by transforming a distant, uninhabited planet into a duplicate of the now-shattered Blanth so that the orphaned space voyagers can begin life anew there (S No. 94/2: "The Men Without a World!"). (TGSB)

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