Lightning Lad

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Real name: Garth Rannz

When trapped on the planet Korbal with his brother, Mekt and their youngers sister, Ayla, Garth was blasted by lightning beasts that endowed them with the powers of super lightning.

Lightning Lad (nee Lightning Boy) was one of the three founding members of The Legion of Super Heroes along with Saturn Girl and Cosmic Boy.

Lightning Lad's career has been the most tragic of any of the Legionaires. He died on a mission combatting the rays of Zaryan the Conqueror, was brought back to life, lost an arm while battling "The Super Moby Dick of Space", and was fitted with a robotic arm. He finally had his real flesh and blood armed restored by a physcian who betrayed Evillo and "The Devil's Dozen".

When Superman visted the 30th Century to visit the Adult Legion of Super Heroes, he discovered that happiness had finally come to Lightning Lad - as the adult Lightning Man he wed long time sweeetheart, Saturn Girl (Imra Ardeen).

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