Lester Link

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A “meek little bookkeeper,” fed up with the drudgery of his workaday job and envious of the lives of danger and excitement led by the big-time rackets chiefs, who walks off his job in Winter 1943, installs himself in his own, somewhat overdone, version of an underworld lair—morbidly bedecked with such lurid gangland trappings as guns, knives, and human skulls, and employing the colorful pseudonym the Lynx, proceeds to establish himself in the public eye as the secret ruler of the underworld, largely by reading press accounts of recent crimes and then telephoning the Daily Planet and claiming credit for having committed them. Superman learns early on that the Lynx is only a timid bookkeeper determined to “feel important,” and he ultimately enables Link to achieve the public recognition for which he thirsts by making Link his partner in a scheme to lure Tiger Tornadi, Baby-Face, and Pig-Eye, ”bosses of the toughest mobs in town”, into a carefully prepared trap (WF No. 12: “The Man Who Stole a Reputation!”).

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