Infinite Monster

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The Infinite Monster

An alien creature of such massive size that only its legs and feet are visible in most of the story that chronicles it. Brought to Earth by a professor's bungling, the Infinite Monster is the first adversary faced by Supergirl after Superman announces her existence to the entire world. The Monster is so large and its protective shielding so invulnerable that Supergirl must instead use her wits to contact Brainiac 5 in the future and asks him to send her a shrinking device modelled on that used by the first Brainiac to capture Kandor. The technology is destroyed by the Monster, but Supergirl uses her super-intelligence to fashion a replica, and shrinks the threat to a tiny and non-dangerous size (Act No. 285/2, Feb 1962: "The Infinite Monster!").

Link to Online Comic

Read about Supergirl's defeat of the Infinite Monster here:

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