Krypton Crawl

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The Krypton Crawl

Superman gets funky to the sounds

"Go-go, go, Jimmy...don't you the Krypton Crawl...yea, yea!!!" -- Lucy Lane

The Krypton Crawl is a smash hit and dance step composed and played by Jimmy Olsen's short-lived rock group called "Jimmy Olsen and the Carrot Top Cut-Ups". Olsen decides to form the band after Lucy Lane is smitten by "Rick Rock and the Rolling Romeos". Strangely, the Krypton Crawl seems to trigger a subliminal dance response in Superman that he attributes to a mind-controlling musical menace from his babyhood on Krypton. In reality, an international criminal, posing as a photographer, has dusted Superman with Red Kryptonite in an attempt to get him to "dance" onto a cargo ship and release a deadly biological pathogen. Olsen and Superman are finally able to expose the plot (SPJO No. 88, Oct 1965: "The Swinging Superman!").

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