Saturn Girl

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A native of Titan, the largest moon of the planet Saturn, Imra traveled to Earth and co-founded the Legion of Super-Heroes with Cosmic Boy and Lightning Lad. Imra also became leader of the Legion after solving Proty's riddle in "The Eight Impossible Missions". She had offered to sacrifice her life to resurrect Lightning Lad but Proty, Chameleon Boy's shape shifting pet, assumed her identity and perished in her stead.

Saturn Girl possesses, like all the inhabitants of Saturn and its satellites, the ability to perform “amazing mental feats,” including “super hypnotism” (S No. 117 “The Legion of Super-Villains!”; and others),extrasensory perception (S No. 165, Nov 1963: ”Beauty and the Super-Beast!”; “Circe’s Super-Slave”; and others) and telepathic communication (S No. 156, Oct 1966: “The Last Days of Superman"; “Superman’s Death Sentence!”; “The Super Comrades of All Time!”; “Superman’s Last Day of Life!”; and others). Saturn Girl also possesses the power to confer “temporary telepathic powers” on other creatures (S No. 176/1, Apr 1965: “The Revenge of the Super-Pets!”).

Saturn Girl’s real name is Imra Ardeen. The adult Saturn Girl is called Saturn Woman. As an adult, Imra wed long time beau Garth Ranzz (Lightning Lad).

In August 1961, Saturn Woman and two other adult Legionnaires, Cosmic Man and Lightning Man, join forces with Superman in his battle with Lex Luthor and the Legion of Super-Villains (S No. 147: "The Legion of Super-Villains!").

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