Dave Stevens

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A community activist residing in Little Africa. In November 1970, he condemned Lois Lane for being indifferent to the social standing of Metropolis' black citizens. While he may have misjudged her, he did inspire Lois to investigate life in Little Africa. Using the plastimold created by her former husband Dahr-Nel, Lois took on the appearance of a black woman, and set about meeting several people in the community. Stevens introduced himself to her, but no sooner than the two had been introduced, they decided to confront a group of drug dealers who were recruiting high-school dropouts in the community.

Stevens was shot and critically wounded. Fortunately, Superman arrived and rushed him to the hospital. Lois then saved Stevens' life by donating (o- negative) blood for a transfusion. Dave Stevens recovered, and the two have become friends.

(SGLL No. 106, Nov. 1970: "I am curious (black)!")

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