Louie Dolan

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Louie Dolan

A "self-styled genius" and "inventor extraordinary", a funny-looking, bald-headed man who, being mute, is severely handicapped in his efforts to express his ideas effectively, whose remarkably original inventions, including an ingenious "freeze-gas" for temporarily paralyzing enemy soldiers without harming them, are dismissed as worthless flights of fancy by the U.S. War Department until after both racketeer Conk Kohler and Nazi spy Mr. Vortz have stolen Dolan's inventions and proven their effectiveness by using them to facilitate daring acts of robbery and sabotage, after which America's military planners have second thoughts about Dolan and promptly place him on the government payroll (S No. 24/2, Sep/Oct 1943: "The King of Crackpot Lane"). (TGSB)

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