Walter Crane

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As a fugitive of Coreytown's prison, he summons reporters of the Daily Star to show the lashings on his chest and report on the "horrors [the] prisoners suffer -- starvation, the sweat-box, living like cattle" inflicted by Superintendent Wyman. After seeing the story on the paper and receiving a visit by Gobernor Bixby, Wyman goes and forces the address of Walter out of Clark Kent and then goes and beat him up. Clark justifies this betrayal by explaining that it makes Wyman confident. Crane is returned to prison, and while trying to escape, is shot by a guard and gets stuck on a swamp. The Man of Steel rescues him, protects him from the prison bloodhounds and returns the prisoner to the camp. While Wyman is flogging him, the Man of Tomorrow takes photographic evidence. Walter is then put in the sweat-box, but Superman removes him and put Wyman instead. Forcing a confession out of the superindent in front of the Gobernor, and with help of the photographs, Superman helps convict the crooked supervisor.

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