Green Kryptonite

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Green Kryptonite Rocks


“What poison is to the average human being, green kryptonite is to Superman? Indeed, the only thing the Man of Steel has to fear in the entire universe is the ghastly green substance which was flung into space when the planet Krypton exploded!” (Act No. 291, Aug 1962: “The New Superman!”).

When the planet Krypton exploded into fragments as the result of a cataclysmic chain reaction originating at the planet’s core, all of Krypton’s atomic elements “fused to become one deadly compound,” a compound later to become known as Kryptonite (S No. 61/3, Nov/Dec 1949: “Superman Returns to Krypton!”). Sent hurtling into outer space by the force of the cataclysm, these “dazzling particles” of the demolished planet, all “laden with cosmic energy,” were scattered throughout the far reaches of the universe in the form of meteors and meteoric fragments, emitting a deadly radiation to which only Kryptonian survivors are vulnerable (Act No. 141, Feb 1950: “Luthor’s Secret Weapon”), “When a radioactive chain reaction exploded my native planet Krypton, long ago,” notes Superman in August 1960, “chunks of green kryptonite were formed! They scattered throughout space as meteors “Their peculiar radioactive rays can bring kryptonite-fever and death to any person from Krypton… but are harmless to Earth people!” (S No. 139/3: “The Untold Story of Red Kryptonite!”).

In the texts, green kryptonite is referred to as “the strange element given off by the explosion of the planet Krypton” (Act No. 141, Feb 1950: “Luthor’s Secret Weapon”); “the deadly rock-like element from the exploded planet Krypton whose radiations can paralyze Superman” (Act No. 142, Mar 1950 “The Conquest of Superman!”); “the one substance.., that can overpower the Man of Steel” (Act No. 152, Jan 1951: “The Sleep That Lasted 1000 Years”); “the rare element, whose mysterious radiation is the only known force capable of overcoming Superman” (WF No. 50, Feb/Mar 1951: “Superman Super-Wrecker”); “a baleful new element whose rays affect only natives of Krypton” (Act No. 158, Jul 1951: “The Kid from Krypton!”); “the meteor metal caused by the explosion of Superman’s native planet” (WF No. 56, Jan/Feb 1952: “The Superman Pageant!”); “the rare element from the shattered planet Krypton whose radiations have a deadly effect on Superman” (Act No. 174, Nov 1952: “The Man Who Shackled Super man!”); the “one element in all the universe can overcome” Superman (Act No. 181, Jun1953: “The New Superman”); “the one substance that can destroy” Superman (Act No. 235, Dec 1957: “The Super-Prisoner of Amazon Island”); “the one substance in the universe feared by Superman” (Act No, 236, Jan 1958: “Superman’s New Uniform!”) and “Superman’s one fatal flaw” (S No, 136/2, Apr 1960: “The Secret of Kryptonite!”).

In the words of Superman No. 84/2:

Kryptonite, the radioactive particles of the former planet Krypton on which Superman was born, and which later exploded, is the one substance in the universe that can affect the mighty Man of Steel! Since kryptonite fragments still float in space after the explosion of the planet, some particles often find their way to Earth embedded in meteor [Sep/Oct 1953: “A Doghouse for Superman!”].

“Bullets! ... Fire! ... Bombs!... Acid! I’m immune to them all!” muses Superman ruefully in July 1959. “But kryptonite is my Achilles heel ... the only substance in the universe that can harm me! It was originally formed years ago...when the planet Krypton, the world on which I was born, blew up! A nuclear chain-reaction converted every chunk of the exploding world into glowing green kryptonite!” (S No. 130/1: “The Curse of Kryptonite!”).

Recent texts assert that the entire planet Krypton and every single thing on it was transformed into kryptonite by the force of the cataclysm (Act No.314, Jul 1964: “The Day Superman Became the Flash!”; and many others). Numerous earlier texts, however, maintain that whereas the planet itself was transformed into kryptonite, its buildings and other artifacts of civilization were not (S No. 74/1, Jan/Feb 1952: “The Lost Secrets of Krypton!”; and many others).


Green kryptonite is a radioactive (S No. 89/3, May 1954: “One Hour to Doom!”) metal (WF No.56, Jan/Feb 1952: “The Superman Pageant!”) which is characterized by a distinctive “greenish glow” (Act No. 235, Dec 1957: “The Super-Prisoner of Amazon Island”; and others) and “has certain properties similar to radium” (Act No. 167, Apr 1952: “The Machines of Crime!”). Colored red in its initial textual appearance (S No. 61/3, Nov/Dec 1949: “Superman Returns to Krypton!”), green kryptonite has been colored green in every text since then. Although Action Comics No. 158 states flatly that “No substance will screen kryptonite’s rays… not even Supermanium” (Jul 1951: “The Kid from Krypton!”), innumerable texts have maintained since then that green-kryptonite radiations are unable to penetrate lead (S No. 92/3, Sep 1954: “Superman’s Last Hour!”; and many others).

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