Galactic Golem

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The Galactic Golem is the monstrous result of Lex Luthor's attempt to create life by collecting galactic matter into the form of a man. Infusing his creation with a hunger for the hyper-stellar energy that made its creation possible, Luthor then proceeded to implant that same energy into Superman, unbeknownst to the Man of Steel. A massive battle ensued, as the Golem ambushed Superman at a celebrity golf tournament. As the Golem sapped Superman's very life force, Luthor made it clear to Superman who was responsible for the assault, via a voicebox embedded within the Golem.

Finally, after a titanic struggle, Superman discerned the Golem's weak spot, a strange, swirling mark on its forehead. Superman struck the spot with a massive blow, resulting in a cataclysmic explosion. As Luthor watched on in horror from his headquarters, it appeared that the force had not only destroyed Superman, but every other being on the planet!

Luthor, devastated by the apparent death of his race by his own creation, planned to abandon Earth and its devastated landscape. As he prepared to leave, however, he found himself under siege by the Galactic Golem! Without Superman around, it had traced back to Luthor the only other source of hyper-stellar energy, the cannon which Luthor had used to irradiate Superman. When it looked as if Luthor had doomed himself, Superman burst into Luthor's hideout and pried the monster away from Luthor. While the Man of Steel grappled with the Golem, Luthor used his cannon to imbue a passing meteor swarm with the energy the creature sought. Superman launched the creature into space, allowing it to pursue its sustenance, ostensibly never to return. As Superman apprehended Luthor, he revealed that, prior to striking the Golem's weak point, the Man of Tomorrow had used the energy emitted by the Golem to vibrate Earth's population to a different dimensional plane, in case the energy released ravaged the planet (S No. 248/1, Feb 1972: "The Man Who Murdered the Earth!").

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