Clarence Kelvin

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Clarence Kelvin. An alternate identity employed by Superman when he bleaches his hair blond and, posing as an Englishman (along with an outrageous accent), obtains employment as a reporter on the Daily Planet. This was due to the fact Superman had become afflicted with temporary amnesia after a disastrous experiment involving Kryptonite, that resulted in him accidently exposing himself to the radioactive substance. As he struggles to find out what his secret identity is, Superman uses the belongings of an English tourist to Metropolis to help create his disguise. Ultimately, Superman regains the knowledge of his Clark Kent identity, just as two painter decorators nearly stumble across the closet in Clark's apartment containing various relics and props associated with his superheroic identity. Abandoning his new guise, Superman returns to the role of Clark, but not before he plays a practical joke on Lois by revealing who is, and thereby rendering the use of the 'Clarence Kelvin' identity forever useless. (S No. 126, Jan 1959: “Superman’s Hunt for Clark Kent!”).

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