Real name: Lar Gand.
Mon-El first arrived on Earth suffering from amnesia during Superboy's time in Smallville. Mistakenly believing he was from Krypton, Mon-El was "Superboy's Big Brother" Sboy No. 89 Feb. 1961.
However, with his memory restored, they learned he was actually a native of the planet Daxam, a Krypton like world, which gave Mon-El super powers under a yellow sun. Daxamites one weakness is lead which is abundance on Earth. Unlike exposure to Krytonite in Superboy's case, lead exposure to a Daxamite was fatal. To save his friend's life, Superboy projected Mon-El into the Phantom Zone. Superboy No. _
Mon-El remained trapped in that twilight dimension for over a thousand years until Brainiac 5 of the Legion of Super Heroes concocted an antidote for Mon-El's lead poisioning. Adv. No. _
Fully cured Mon-El became a member of that heroic teen brigade of the future, the Legion of Super Heroes. Adv. No. _
When Superman visited the Adult Legion of Super Heroes, he learned that Mon-El was roaming the spaceways as an explorer, clearing the way for intergalactic settlers. Adv No. _