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Real name: Kal-el Secret Identity: Clark Kent.

The Adventures of Superman when he was a boy! Created by Jerome Siegel and Joe Shuster, Superboy first appeared in More Fun Comics.

Upon his arrival on Earth, the baby Kal-el was adopted by Jonathan and Martha Kent. At various times, the Kents were depicted as farmers and during the majority of the Silver Age, owners of a general store in Smallville.

Superboy first announced his existence to the world in an Untold Story.

Superboy was also the inspiration for the Legion of Super Heroes in the 3oth Century. After an initation, he became a regular member in the super powered teen brigade of the future including his cousin, Supergirl in the pages of Adventure comics.

Superboy's love interest and a pain in young Clark kent's neck was the red headed Lana Lang who alternately tried to prove that Clark and Superboy were the same or found herself turned into an Inscet Queen. Lana was the younger counterpart to grown up Lois Lane.

Superboy didn't think of himself as "Superman" until he first when to college when one of his professors tried to prrove that Clark Kent and Superboy were one and the same.

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