Liza Landis

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Liza Landis

The secretary for WMET radio in Metropolis and a woman who Superman shares an adventure with in an alternative timeline.

When Superman tires of Lois Lane constantly trying to discover his secret identity, he decides to fly to the past, re-make his own history, and avoid her altogether. He starts a new life for himself as a super hero who also has a career as a popular radio personality. Unfortunately, for the Man of Steel, he meets Liza Landis - a woman who has the same insatiable curiosity as Lois Lane. Seeing that he cannot avoid the constant prying by women he knows, Superman re-makes the past to again match his adult life as reporter for the Daily Planet and return his past to normal (SGLL No. 20/1, Oct 1960: "Superman's Flight from Lois Lane!").

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