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DCCP No. 10 cover by Ross Andru

An alias employed by Superman after a powerful bomb explosion not only sends Superman back into the past during WWII but also gives him total amnesia.

In this past, he finds an American soldier uniform and dons it. Unfortunately, he soon encounters Sgt. Rock and Easy Company who have recently dealt with Germans impersonating US soldiers and suspect that this stranger could be one of those imposters. As it happens, this confrontation is interrupted by a German ambush, one where the enemy gives no signs of recognizing Superman.

After this incident, Easy Company questions Superman with American cultural trivia such as baseball and are satisfied with his answers. As a result, Rock follows the company's tradition and dubs the stranger with a distinctive nickname, Tag-Along. The new addition becomes a mixed blessing for Easy Company. For example, after a German tank attacks, Superman's forgotten vow never to take a life subconciously prevents him from firing anti-tank weapons despite the fact that his comrades are in deadly peril. Fortunately, when Superman pounds the ground in frustration, he inadvertantly creates an earthquake with the shockwaves, creating a fissure that traps the tank and enables its destruction.

Though Superman's memory returns, he resolves to protect Easy Company for a time, first by fending off an attacking war plane and then, by destroying a Nazi outpost. Superman leaves Easy Company by faking his own death and allowing himself to be buried. After the ruse is successful, Superman digs himself out and returns to the present day (DCCP No. 10, Jun 1979: "The Miracle Man of Easy Company!").

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