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Future Interview.gif


A publicly-owned multinational company founded by Lex Luthor, presumably late in his career for the purpose of manufacturing, distributing, and marketing his countless brilliant scientific inventions. At one time Luthor himself owned quite a bit of stock in it, but has not been allowed an active hand in management since before the end of the Twentieth Century.

Lexcorp Holocaster.gif

In 1991, a message from the future reveals that Luthor used a two-passenger "Lexcorp Cruiser" for traveling over the surface of the moon to his final confrontation with Superman.

By the time of the latter days of Superman and Luthor's presence on Earth, Lexcorp is so successful and presumably such a leading force in humankind's outer-space endeavors, that it is poised to become the first multiplanetary corporation. (LG)

An aged and retired Superman, no longer living on Earth but now wandering the starwinds, grants a rare interview to a group of galactic news reporters in which he reminisces about his friendship with Luthor. Superman makes reference to the "Lexcorp Holocaster," the "best hologram filming system ...I've seen in the universe!" (S No. 416/2, Feb 1986: "The Ghost of Superman Future!").

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