Horace Higgins

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Horace Higgins

Mayor of Smallville during much (if not all) of Superboy's youth (first appearance, Adv No. 112, Jan 1947: "Super-Safety First!"). A Mayor Courtney is referred to in S No. 144, Apr 1961: "Superboy's First Public Appearance", a story that probably pre-dates the accounts including Mayor Higgins as far as Superboy's life is concerned. Higgins helps host a Superboy Day event where film of the Boy of Steel's exploits is recorded (SB No. 2, May/Jun 1949: "The Stunts of Superboy"). He also welcomes Lucy Regent -- an exiled queen from a Latin American country and possessing great athletic prowess -- to Smallville (SB No. 5, Nov/Dec 1949: "Superboy Meets Supergirl!"). Other appearances include: SB No. 3, Jul/Aug 1949: "Superboy's Great Amateur Hour!" and SB No. 7, Mar/Apr 1950: "Around the World with Superboy".

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