San Monté

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A "small South American republic" where a war is raging. Assigned to cover the war in his Clark Kent identity (Act No. 1, Jun 1938), Superman finally brings an end to the fighting by abducting the commanders of the two opposing armies and threatening to beat them senseless unless they agree to settle the war by fighting it out between themselves.

"But why should we fight?" asks one commander. "We're not angry at each other!" exclaims the other.

"Then why are your armies battling?" asks Superman shrewdly. And after the two opposing commanders have admitted that they do not really know why they are fighting, the Man of Steel adds, "Gentlemen, it's obvious you've been fighting only to promote the sale of munitions!-- Why not shake hands and make up?" As it turns out, the war is being incited by a Washington lobbyist for the profit of munitions magnate Emil Norvell (Act No. 2, Jul 1938). The stories chronicling these events are reprinted in Superman No. 1/1 (Sum 1939) and Superman No. 1/2 (Sum 1939)

Located in South America, it is a few days away by boat ride (Act No. 1, Jun 1939; Act No. 2, Jul 1939).

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